Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Why Does Bass Fishing Get Overlooked In PA?

 This is going to be mostly opinionated, but that's sometimes-what blogs are supposed to be about right?

Although bass fishing is becoming more popular, everyone sees Pennsylvania and thinks TROUT. PA has a lot of perfect trout condition streams making it the opportune fishing. I am not going to bad mouth trout fishing; I grew up trout fishing and still trout fish to this day and it is a blast. It's just not sustainable for year-round fishing in some areas. 

I just think the big problem here is that bass are not as per say "famous" as they are in other states. People travel from all over to come to PA to trout fish and there is nothing wrong with that. But I do feel they are so overlooked. I just want to strongly encourage people that when the trout fishing gets to the point in the year where it "fizzles" try your hand at bass fishing. 

PA does have a few "Big Bass Regulation" waters to help the bass population and help them get bigger. I just want to make it my mission to let everyone know, it's not just about trout fishing here. We have some of the BEST small mouth bass riverways. We also have lakes that produce nice sized largemouth and of course Lake Erie small mouths are like no other. 

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