Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Kayaking Places: Out For A Float

Hey everyone, it's getting kayak season here in Central Pa!

With that being said, I wanted to dive into some local places I think are great kayak places and places to avoid. This blog post is just going to be a compiled list. I will post more blogs with details about launching sites and etc. 

Interested in taking a float?


Do not miss out on the Little Juniata or Clearfield Creek. Once summer appears these places get a little to shallow to kayak. So its best to hit them between May & June.


Thursday, May 11, 2023

Fishing Crankbaits

Don't you just toss it and reel? 

Well no. They are much more complicated than that. This video below shows you about different crank baits and how to fish them.

Crankbaits are one of my favorite lures to use. This video is extremely helpful at explaining everything and giving you the visualization of what is going on. 

Learning how to properly fish each crankbait can be important to your hook up ratio. You want to catch fish, right? 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Types Of Crankbaits: What Are Their Differences?

Sport Fishing Buddy has some amazing information about crankbaits and their differences. This chart from their website I found extremely helpful. I'm more of a visual learner, like I'm sure most of you are as well. I just wanted to share this with you guys so that you can better understand the differences between crankbaits! Go check out their website for more information!

Crankbait Types Chart

Monday, May 8, 2023

CRANKBAITS! What Are They?

What the heck is a crankbait you might ask?

You might have heard about a crankbait previously, but heard of it as a different name:

  • Crankbait
  • Square bill
  • Deep divers
  • Flat side cranks
  • Medium runner
Crankbaits are a favorite for first time anglers. They're also used by many of the pro-fisherman. According to Sport Fishing Buddy "crankbaits are fishing lures a made of hard plastic or wood and are used to catch predatory fish such as bass, walleye, and trout."

On the next post I'll discuss all about choosing crankbaits and my personal favorites.

I just want to point out that next to a Texas rig plastic, crankbaits are my favorite thing to fish. I love crankbaits and I've been extremely successful with them!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Local Fishing Spots

 Hello everyone! My name is Morgan & I was asked to guest write. I would like to share some local fishing favorite spots of mine. Local would be considered around the Houtzdale area. 

One of my favorite spots to go would be "Pine Lake". Its located behind Caprios Beer Distributor. Ive been going here ever since I was little when my dad would take me out there fishing. Years went by until I ventured out there on my own & have continued going ever since. There are actually a couple nice ponds back there. Another pond many know about is the "Bass Ponds" which is not too far from Pine Lake. Both Ponds have large mouth bass, rock bass, perch, blue gill, pumpkin seeds & crappy. I know Pine Lake has some decent size carp but I'm not sure about the Bass Ponds. 

Here are a few pictures of the different parts of Pine Lake. It is quite big and shaped oddly so it has some different views. 

Choosing A Trailer - How?

Choosing a trailer can be very confusing. 

It almost takes me back to talking about Senko's. But choosing your trailer is very important to catching fish. I am going to use swim jigs as the example here because we just talked about them. But when choosing your trailers, you want to try your best to match up the other with the swim jig. You don't want a white swim jig with a green pumpkin trailer. I mean I don't anyway. HA! 

So what is a trailer anyway? A trailer is a soft plastic that you can attach to lures such as swim jigs. This gives them a little extra. Trailers can often be fished by themselves with just a normal Texas rig. But they work great paired up with a swim jig. 

Some good trailers:

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Reeling in the Fun: A Guide to Taking Your Kids Fishing (Without Losing Your Mind)

Anyone with kids knows that trying to do anything with kids is never easy. This includes fishing. That is why in this blog, we'll be discussing what to do so you can capture the joys of taking your kids fishing and avoid utter meltdown central. Because nothing says "quality time" like being surrounded by nature and constantly asking your kid to stop throwing rocks in the water.

Spending time outdoors with kids is important because it helps them appreciate the natural world and gives them a break from staring at screens all day. Plus, it's a great opportunity to bond and make lasting memories. So, let's dive in and learn how to make your kid's first fishing trip successful!

Location is Key

Choosing a suitable location is key. You want to find a spot that's easy to access, has a good chance of catching fish, and isn't too far from the nearest ice cream stand. Gathering necessary equipment can be a hassle, but it's worth it. Don't forget to pack sunscreen, bug spray, and enough snacks to feed a small army. Safety first, folks! Teach your child about the dangers of hooks, slippery rocks, and the fact that fish do not like being hugged. And most importantly, involve your child in the preparation process. Let them help pack the tackle box, choose the bait, and decide which superhero they want to wear on their fishing hat.

Teach Them The Art Form of Casting

Before your child can catch fish like a pro, they need to know what they're dealing with. Show them pictures of the different types of fish they might catch and explain the unique qualities of each. Casting a line is an art form, and it takes practice to master. Be patient and demonstrate the technique slowly, or risk a hook in the ear. Once your child has caught a fish, they need to know how to hook it and reel it in. It's important to stress the importance of treating the fish with respect and returning it to the water quickly. And don't forget to teach your child about fishing ethics and regulations. It's never too early to instill a sense of responsibility in your little angler.

Trust the Process

Fishing can be a long and tedious process, so make sure you pack plenty of snacks and drinks to keep your child fueled and hydrated. Trust us, a hungry kid is a grumpy kid. Play fishing games to keep your child entertained when the fish aren't biting. See who can cast the farthest or make up a story about the one that got away. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone. Set a goal for the number of fish caught, or see who can catch the biggest fish. Just be prepared to lose gracefully if your kid beats you. And don't forget to capture memories with a camera. A photo of your child's first catch is a priceless memento that they'll treasure for years to come.

Switch it Up

Let's face it, kids have short attention spans. Be prepared to switch up the scenery or change up the bait if your child loses interest. Keep your child engaged by asking questions and sharing interesting facts about the fish and their habitat. Did you know that some fish can change color to blend in with their surroundings? Tangled lines are an inevitable part of fishing, but they don't have to ruin your day. Teach your child how to untangle the line themselves, or use it as an opportunity to practice teamwork. And if your child gets discouraged after a few unsuccessful casts, encourage them to keep trying. Fishing is all about patience and perseverance, and you never know when you might get that big catch!

Ignite Some Passion

So there you have it, folks. By following these tips, you can make your child's first fishing trip successful. Just remember to be patient, have fun, and enjoy the great outdoors with your little angler. Fishing with your child is an opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime, and who knows, you might even ignite a passion

Bass Fishing Bliss: Unveiling the Top 5 Must-Fish Destinations in the US

Introduction: For bass anglers seeking the thrill of the catch amidst stunning landscapes, the United States offers an array of premier fish...